Where is your store located?

BagSaga does not have a physical store. However, you can reach us at our business address: 15 Bessemer Rd, Welwyn Garden City AL7 1HU, United Kingdom

What is BagSaga's Return Policy?

For detailed information on our return policy, please refer to the “Refund Policy” tab on our website.

Will I receive a confirmation email when my order is submitted online?

Yes, once you complete your order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email to confirm that your order has been successfully received.

How do I process a return?

You can return your order to our business address according to our refund policy. Alternatively, feel free to contact us at support@bagsaga.shop or call us at +447821735638 for assistance.

Are there any product exclusions or restrictions?

Yes, all MANUFACTURER-DIRECT items are final sale. Please check the product description under the item title to confirm if it is a manufacturer-direct product.

Contact Information:

  • Email: support@bagsaga.shop
  • Phone: +447821735638
  • Bussiness Address: 15 Bessemer Rd, Welwyn Garden City AL7 1HU, United Kingdom